Porn Free Radio

When does quitting porn get easier? Really?

I get asked this all the time by listeners.

This past week, marked 7 years porn free for me. In this episode, I share 12 milestones that happened on my journey after which things got easier.

You'll learn:

- My new commitment for 2018
- Why recovery doesn't get easier
- The ease of a task is a sign of mastery
- Why mastery doesn't come from a calendar
- The 12 milestones in my journey that led to mastery

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Get the full show notes here:


PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you in your recovery:


Porn Free This Year (Free video course)


Buy the book, Porn Free by Matt Dobschuetz


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1-on-1 Coaching with Matt Dobschuetz

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The post 141 – When does quitting porn get easier? appeared first on Recovered Man.

Direct download: pfr141.mp3
Category:Porn Free Radio -- posted at: 1:06pm CDT